Practice Teaching - Week 1

Week 1 - 2 x 30 minutes of practice teaching is required each week

Home practice alone: reciting the 16 Tadasana cues out loud.

Memorise the 16 cues from your Power Living Teacher Training Manual off by heart. They will be the foundation of teaching all poses forever.

Coaching tip:

  • Start by memorizing the wording in your manual before experimenting with other language or other ways to say the cues
  • The cues are said in essential language without adding in too many words for a reason
  • This will make it easier to expand from in the future, as you will have a solid knowledge of what they are and they will easily roll off your tongue with practice!
  • Keep experimenting with engaging the tadasana cues in your own body in your daily practice so you understand how to apply them in different poses
  • Inquire into which cues help to achieve what outcome in the different poses. i.e. Which cues may be more suited to or appropriate/effective what which pose?
  • Refer to Tadasana lecture and reference material

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