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200hr Online Teacher Training - February 2022
200hr Online Teacher Training Introduction
The 200hr TT Manuals - to download
Your 200hr Course Introduction video - must watch ;-) (15:17)
Your 200hr Online Teacher Training Logistics Document
Saturday LIVE Q&A Zoom Links & link to access recordings
Teachable Troubleshooting Document
Philosophy Questionnaire
Asana & Practice Teaching Logs
Week 1 - Understand the fundamentals of anatomy for yoga teachers
Week 1 Introduction & Reference Materials (2:55)
Week 1 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 1
Fundamentals (54:31)
Types of Tissue (41:01)
Tadasana (36:48)
Breath and Bandha (67:16)
Modern Yoga (21:46)
Week 2 - Look deeper into anatomical intelligence and applying it's theory to asana
Week 2 Introduction & Reference Materials
How to Give Feedback - Methodology (25:20)
Week 2 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 2
The Shoulder (42:24)
Pose Breakdown Sun Salutation A Methodology (39:14)
How to teach Sun Salutation A Methodology (17:14)
Origins of Yoga (34:16)
Week 3 - Continue the applied anatomy journey
Week 3 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 3 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 3
The Pelvis (45:25)
Pose Breakdown Sun Salutation B Methodology (46:15)
How to teach Sun Salutation B Methodology (35:29)
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama - Techniques, training & practice (37:24)
Week 4 - Gain confidence applying anatomy to asana and develop your practice teaching skills
Week 4 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 4 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 4
The Trunk (48:03)
Pose breakdown Crescent Lunge Series Methodology (27:46)
How to teach Crescent Lunge Series Methodology (37:59)
The Wrist and Hand (41:32)
Sitali and Sitkari Pranayama (34:09)
Week 5 - Learn the intricacies of anatomical alignment
Week 5 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 5 - Practices
How to Teach Integration Series (21:38)
Practice Teaching - Week 5
Pose Breakdown Arm Balancing Series (15:33)
How to teach the Arm Balancing Series (7:55)
Kapalabhati pranayama (30:08)
The Pelvis Anatomy Review (18:30)
Week 6 - Establish an earthly connection to standing postures and begin to create philosophies for class
Week 6 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 6 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 6
Pose Breakdown Standing Balancing Series (62:10)
How to teach the Standing Balancing Series (30:08)
Class preparation and theming (90:43)
What is Yoga? (30:49)
The Shoulder Anatomy Review (17:49)
Week 7 - You're only as young as your spine is healthy
Week 7 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 7 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 7
Yoga & The Spine (51:17)
Pose Breakdown Lunging and Backbends (33:19)
How to teach Lunging and Backbends (13:19)
10 Fundamental Principles of Yoga (47:08)
The Trunk Anatomy Review (14:42)
Week 8 - Dive deep into Philosophy and the Power Living Methodologies
Week 8 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 8 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 8
Pose Breakdown Core and Inversions Series (57:47)
How to teach Core and Inversions (23:05)
7 Steps of Psychospiritual Maturation (53:03)
The Power Living Methodology (29:23)
Wrist and Hand Anatomy Review (3:50)
Week 9 - Complete the sequence and study the Four Functions of the mind & Four pathways of Yoga
Week 9 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 9 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 9
Pose Breakdown Hips and Closing Series (77:52)
How to teach Hips and Closing Series (28:30)
The Four Pathways of Yoga and The Four Functions of the Mind (41:49)
The Pelvis Anatomy Review (18:30)
Week 10 - Functional Yoga methodologies and study The technology of Hatha Yoga & Patanjali’s Ancient Yoga Sutras
Week 10 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 10 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 10
The Knee and Ankle (46:06)
Functional Yoga Methodology (32:00)
Functional Yoga Applied (67:16)
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (36:27)
Technology of Hatha Yoga (22:11)
The Shoulder Anatomy Review (17:49)
Week 11 - Study The Art of Sequencing with potency and explore & 8 Fold Path
Week 11 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 11 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 11
Sequencing Part 1 (96:10)
Sequencing Part 2 (68:41)
The 8 Fold Path (41:46)
Knee & Ankle and Wrist & Hand Anatomy Review (8:28)
Week 12 - Discover the incredible teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Discuss skills and values of a Yoga teacher
Week 12 Introduction & Reference Materials
Week 12 - Practices
Practice Teaching - Week 12
Skills and Values of a Yoga Teacher (68:05)
Gita Philosophy (59:42)
The Pelvis, Shoulder and Trunk Anatomy Review (51:01)
Final Quiz
10 Fundamental Principles of Yoga
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